Women are constantly in transition.  We are moving and changing…..our bodies and our world is ever shifting.  We accommodate, we adapt.  We are good at muiltitasking!

But sometimes we struggle “finding our path”.  Maybe we are in a transition time.   We lose a part of ourselves, or we are taking on more, so we want to go back to a simpler time.  We feel lost. 

Come away for a time of rest, a time to reflect, to see yourself as you truly are…..the way God made you.

Fan your passions into Flame!

January 3-5, 2025

Thoughts from those who have gone before you….

Through time of prayer, art, journaling, and even resting, I was able to weed out all the distractions of my everyday life that have been getting in the way of what God wanted to do with me next.

 I was given the opportunity to be uncomfortable, to be challenged, and to be stilled in a safe environment that allowed me to cope with the lonely and broken season I have been in recently.

I was finally able to be clear on my purpose, my path, and my next step to take. Not to mention the honor I had to do this alongside some incredibly brave and bold women who were not afraid to tell their stories and to be seen in their own brokenness.

God has tailored this curriculum to be specific to each person with the time and space to do whatever is needed. If you are needing some light shed on where your journey is going, this is the place to be.